Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Little Things

Anyone who's been on a trek or even walked on something other than city roads must have seen these little bunches of flowers, growing wherever they can find space, however unreachable the place may be. They don't seek attention, just give a splash of color to surroundings that could have been very dull.
But here, on a hillside near Vihar Lake, they were in all their splendor, jewels on the green gold.
Do enlarge. Compressing kills, you know.
They're called lantana ( from lantana camara ) or Yellow Sage. Thanks mom.


neha said...

These are the "little things" one would never notice and write about.

Vivek Khandelwal said...

yeh fotu hamar kamera se kheecha gaya hai..
infact ..hamne hi kheecha hai :D