As I prepare myself to meet probably the closest, biggest and best bunch of friends I made at college, I cant help but wonder when it would be that I would meet them again. I would meet some of them regularly, some occasionally, and some rarely. But probably not once will I ever meet all of them together, at one place.
But, as everyone says, ever so wisely, life is about moving on. Is it?
I met an old friend today. No, this is not a story of how nice it was meeting him after such a long time. We`ve been in touch. Times have changed, man. People don’t lose touch now. It’s the internet, or the cheapening phones. Anyway, so I first befriended him in Class 1. We were thick ever since. He was probably quite opposite to me. Much more mischievous, more talkative, more popular as we grew up. We were in and out of being best friends, but never completely lost touch. Today, he`s one guy I discuss girls openly with, rant about stories I never thought could be interesting and enjoy his stories that even seem far fetched sometimes, from his off shore trips. He`s in the merchant navy. The thing is, I cannot hear a word against him. I feel proud of him. He`s not perfect, hell he`s not even close. But I hold him dear. The friendship feels like something that’s mine entirely. I`ve earned it. No one helped me with it. And that gives me a sense of achievement. At least I did this much on my own.
I like hanging on. I hang on. To my old friends. To old memories. I love reminiscing. I remember random stuff. I guess its that kind of stuff that makes an impact on my brain, which is what creates the memories. And I love remembering it. Even as early as end of second year, I was reminiscing about first year of college. By the time we were in fourth year, I had discussed so many memories of first year that it was like yesterday.
I don’t think life is about moving on. Of course, we have to, since time travel seems pretty undoable. But unless that happens, we are only forced to move on. Life, is about hanging on. New stuff is created only by the culturing we`ve had from our past. I do not know what the future holds. I would like to. It would give me a sense of security, a sense of stability. The past gives me that. I like hanging on. I don’t like going through the rituals of making a new friend. I like my old friends. Its easier. Its more comfortable. And I can easily remain in touch. As I grew, I only liked certain kinds of people. Older still, and I liked only certain traits in certain people. I realised I`m becoming typified, and limiting myself. Its looked down upon, as if I`ve become complacent and opposed to change, and of course change is inevitable and all. But just for once, I say lets celebrate this complacency, and hang on, and feel all nice and warm inside.
To all my friends, may our friendship grow old with us.
"Life isn't about moving on; its about hanging on"
Normally, I would disagree, thinking that life is a combination of 'hanging on' and 'moving on' - but in the present context, I couldn't agree more!
And I couldnt agree more with ur comment. I meant the statement in the context only.
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